So it's been a while... 2 years, actually... I don't know what it was that suddenly made me want to write on here, but whatever it was, I'm back, and I've got this rush inside me of wanting to bring back this very blog that made me so happy and calm. My little space of the internet, where I can write whatever I want, however I want.
How are you? I used to have a nice little following on here. If you're currently reading this, and you used to be a follower, please let me know. In no way do I expect anyone to have stuck around or two years! But if by some miracle you have, thank you. And if you're new, welcome - it's good to have you on board!
I guess to start off with, happy new year! We have just entered 2018. I celebrated on my own, in my cosy bedroom with a bottle of Buck's Fizz and Netflix. To be perfectly honest, it was my ideal way of bringing in the new year. I've become a massive homebody over the last few years. Gone are the days of spending my evenings in nightclubs, with their obnoxiously loud music and hoards of sweaty drunks. I much prefer to spend time with my friends over a nice dinner, maybe a bar if I'm feeling particularly social, or even just a night in with Netflix and wine (can you see the theme here?).
Maybe it would have been nice to have had my boyfriend with me to celebrate the new year (for any long-time readers, yes, I am still with dear old Tommy - we can hardly believe it either!), but I've become increasingly more comfortable at spending time on my own. Last year, I lived in a flat of my own, with my two gorgeous guinea pigs, so got very used to enjoying my own company. A few months ago, my sister got a job near me, so we decided to get a house together for a year - surprisingly, we keep out of each others way and haven't yet killed each other!
2017 brought me a wealth of emotions. I started the year by risking a lot. I quit a job that I'd worked incredibly hard to get to, because it made me so miserable. Luckily, through closing that door, it opened a brand new one, and I am now working in a fantastically supportive environment that I actually want to wake up for. I met some incredible people this year, that have changed my outlook on a few things. I solidified friendships that already existed, spent precious time with both mine and Tommy's families, and fell even more in love with my guinea pigs.
We also had some pretty tragic family news (more on this another time), that completely shook us all. But through the heartache and shittiness of it all, it showed that side of my family coming together in ways I've never seen before. It showed that I have some pretty incredible people in my life who I am so unbelievably proud to call my family.
I won't promise to post on here weekly, or even monthly. From here, it's going to be a pretty casual place for me to unload my thoughts when I feel the need to. I do, however, have lots of ideas, so do stay tuned for that!
Here's to 2018 bringing us more joy, laughter and milestones (and hopefully getting me out of debt!!).
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