Sunday, 24 January 2016


I'm in a very strange part of my life right now. I completed my undergraduate degree last summer, and am one of the few people who chose to go straight into a career instead of just relaxing for a bit. As some of you may be aware, I chose to train to become a primary school teacher directly after graduating. Although it's an extremely tough and intense year, I don't regret it at all. Doing this course has only concreted my desire to be a part of this industry, and my love for teaching has grow immensely - I love the relationships you build with your class and the staff, and I especially love the feeling of warmth you get when that child finally "gets it". It really is one of the most rewarding jobs out there.

As much as I love this path, I can't help but feel as if I'm letting other things slip through the cracks. As it's such an intense, time consuming year, I'm finding it increasingly harder to keep in contact with some of the amazing people I met and grew close to at university. Although there are a few people that I know will still be there even if we don't talk for months on end, there are others who I feel are getting irritated by my lack of contact.

Also my opinions on things have changed too. No longer do I have any desire to go on a night out - I'd much prefer a quiet night in. I don't want to deal with loud, drunk people and stupidly loud music. I'm not 18 anymore. That life doesn't appeal to me. But it still does for a lot of my friends.

It's not that I don't want to talk or catch up - I really do! It's more the fact that my mind is completely taken up by school and uni related junk that there's just no more room left in my mind to remember to send a quick text. 

All the teachers I've been in contact with have all said that you lose a lot of friends in this job. I'm determined not to let those nearest and dearest drift away. So if you're reading this, please do just send me a message. I promise I'll reply - even if it does take me a while!

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