It's just turned midnight, and I was lying in bed when all of these random thoughts started popping into my head. All of which involve the future.
The future is a scary thought, but it can also be exciting. In just a few short weeks, I will embark on the journey to become a primary school teacher. If that's not enough to scare someone, I don't know what is. It's a year long course that will determine my potential career path. If I pass, I'll become a Newly Qualified Teacher, and a year after that, I'll be fully qualified. And if I don't pass... well, I don't have a clue what I'll do with my life.
Say for argument's sake, I do pass. I'll be a teacher to children from the ages of 3 to 11. I'll be a role model... And that freaks me out. Kids will look to me to help them to learn, potentially come to me for help or advice, and that's scary.
If I pass, I'll be able to afford to move out of my mum's house, out of shared accommodation, and into a place of my own. Even though it's still a year away, I've been looking at flats and houses within my price range, looking at furniture shops and Pinterest for ideas on how I could really make a place my own (a fireplace and a bay window are of course, preferable). And even though I've always wanted a place of my own, it's nerve-wracking to think that it'll actually be mine.
There's so many things I'd like to do in the future. I'd love to get married one day, but again, the thought is so scary right now, and if Mr T popped the question tomorrow, I'd freak out and panic. It's an exciting thought for the future, but for right now, I'm happy where we are!
The same goes for kids. I'm sure when I'm older, I'll decide I want children, but like hell could I have one anytime soon! I don't believe that anyone should have a child if they don't have the time, funds or motivation to raise it properly.
I'd like to have my own car, but I'm currently still waiting for my provisional licence to turn up so I can actually start my lessons! That's gonna have to wait a while!
This post has been a bit rambly, but I guess the point of this is that yes, the future is such a scary thought. It can freak you out to think how quickly and how much your life can change. But at the same time, it can be so exciting to sit and think about what you'd want to change at some point, whether it be next week, next year, or in 10 years!
What are you excited to happen in your own future? I'd love to hear!
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