Monday, 26 May 2014

Working Life

My blogging's not been entirely up to scratch lately, but for once, I have a real excuse! I came back to Canterbury about 2 weeks ago for my last term of my second year at uni. But unlike all of my friends and housemates, my course doesn't have any exams, so I literally came back just to chill with some friends and spend the last of my student loan on food and alcohol! Living the student life, huh?

But then I did something very out of the ordinary for me: I went and got myself a job! It's been a good 2 years since my last job, but I figured if I'm sat at home with nothing to do for 6 weeks, I may as well earn some pennies! I got a job at a club in town, so yes, I am now a bar wench.

It's a strange thing though, going to work at 10pm, when most people are going to bed, and leaving at 4/5am, as the sun comes up. I can genuinely say that despite the 45 minute journey time, that is the most relaxing walk home ever: imagine walking up the hill, and looking back at the rising sun. So beautiful!

I've been working there for almost 2 weeks now, and I've been hit on multiple times by drunk guys, been verbally abused by angry drunk girls at the price of drinks, had money thrown at me, but managed to score £8 in tips (living the high life!), and have secured my job there when I come back after summer. I've also spent the majority of my time at home, sleeping in until 2pm. Basically, my body clock is screwed!

My point is that I will try my best to post as frequently as time will allow me, but if you have any post requests, do feel free to leave them in a comment or tweet me!

Until next time!


  1. LOL, I love the meme! It reminded me of this waitress at a restaurant I was dining at a few weeks ago. It was about 3 hours before closing time but the waitress that served us ended her shift halfway through our dinner. Oddly, she stuck around and that's when I realized this table of dirty men tipped her a lot and purchased her drinks that she ended up staying with them. I overheard her saying, "I want to go home with you guys... but I don't want to get raped or anything." Things people do when they get lots of tips and free drinks...

  2. Oh wow, that's crazy haha! I think I'll definitely be sticking with the meme haha!
