Wednesday, 14 May 2014

100 Happy Days Challenge

I took part in the 100 Happy Days challenge on Instagram, where you post a picture of one thing a day that's made you smile, for (you guessed it) 100 days! Although I wasn't the best at it (there'd be days where I wouldn't post because I'd simply forget to!), I really enjoyed the challenge and now have little snaps of what's made me happy over the last few months! I've also discovered that almost 50% of what made me happy was food/drink... So here they are for you, my 100 Happy Days!

 1) The Wolf of Wall Street - Leo. 'Nuff said! 2) You can never go wrong with some Thorntons chocolate! 3) Me and the girls took our housemate for dinner at Zizzis for her birthday! 4) Followed by a later birthday meal at Prezzo with the boyfriend.

5) I was clearly on a fruit high that day! 6) Nutella Fudge - the consistency was all wrong, but the taste was SO good! 7) Nothing like a selfie with the girls! 8) I actually ventured to a pub to watch the Superbowl. Me. Watching the Superbowl!

9) A cheeky little blog catch up ;) 10) This was my excitement at getting to read Sherlock Holmes for my degree! 11) These dogs are just adorable, are they not? 12) Watching Sherlock on the big screen <3

13) A bar served me a coconut flavoured beer... IN a coconut!!! 14) Banana and nutella french toast roll-ups! 15) I love these girls <3 16) Two of my favourite cheeky snacks! Ooh, how healthy!

17) My favourite drink - EVER! 18) This was my excitement at getting 69 at Flappy Bird... 19) The lovely box swap I got from Lily & Ella! 20) Are you seeing a theme here?

21) I was rushing through campus to beat the thunderstorm, turned around and saw this! Absolutely breathtaking! 22) BAFTAs night with the girls! 23) The night I discovered I can pull off hats! ;) 24) I can't express enough sadness that they've stopped selling these for another year!

25) White hot chocolate from The Chocolate Cafe <3 26) My blog post about the Valentines box swap! 27) A beautiful day in February! 28) Raspberry chocolate brownie, again, from The Chocolate Cafe... I may be a bit of an addict!

29) Reminiscing of my trip to Paris in November! 30) After 6 months of living with a broken lock button, I got a new phone :D 31) A chocolate crepe from *cough* The Chocolate Cafe (I promise I am in NO way sponsored, I just love the place way too much ;) ) 32) Obligatory night-out selfie. 

33) My boyfriend text me that he'd beaten my previous Flappy Bird score. This was my excitement when I beat him again! 34) My productivity (for once!) 35) Camp Takota! 36) One of many Nandos trips with the boyfriend!

37) Nutella pancakes for Pancake Day! 38) There's no better relief than uploading an essay! 39) My very own Nutella hot chocolate! 40) My first ever Wagamamas!

41) Our (pretty shabby) attempt at the OSCARs selfie. 42) Mini Eggs are perfection! 43) Apparently I took a picture of the menu instead of the actual pizza... 44) A lunch catch-up at Mungos! 

45) The most amazing smelling body scrub EVER! 46) A random cat that likes to wander into my boyfriend's house! 47) But first, lemme take a selfie. 48) A lovely day at the beach with my mama <3

49) Treats from my mum's trip to Florida! 50) My oh so healthy snack drawer! 51) Mine and Alison's scrumptious red velvet cake! 52) The necessities for a 3 hour screening ;)

53) Film and wine night! 54) This picture still makes me laugh! My little weirdos <3 55) These were my favourite sweets as a child! 56) How I Met Your Mother catch-up. 

57) The night I discovered I could recreate the Elsa braid (Frozen) 58) My excitement at seeing my best friend! 59) Back in Essex for the weekend! 60) This needs no caption. 

61) Me, my mum and brother on Mother's Day. 62) My (way too many) purchases from my trip back to Essex! 63) My 9am start was brightened by this beautiful day! 64) Alison made Nutella cupcakes! <3

65) My first attempt at real American pancakes! 66) The sunset from my window <3 67) A mirror selfie, coz why not, right? 68) Cosmos never grow old! 

69) Game of Thrones season premiere at the pub! 70) I made my boyfriend watch Frozen. He loved it! 71) Oh look, more Nandos! 72) Chocolate, strawberry and raspberry crepes with Chantel! 

73) The last night of second term! And possibly one of the best! 74) Dominos between two girls... 75) Back in my box room in Essex <3 76) A trip to the Olympic Park! 

77) I got to go pick up this beauty with Rebekah and her parents. Cutest puppy ever! 78) Skype date! 79) Pub catch-up with one of my oldest friends! 80) Free wine at Bingo! 

81) When in doubt, play The Sims! 82) Easter!!! 83) Made my brother watch Frozen. He also loved it! 84) The Amazing Spiderman 2... SO DAMN GOOD!

85) I took my housemate to the Olympic Park. 86) Another trip to Wagamama! 87) The best part about babysitting is when the kids go to bed ;) 88) Gaby's 21st <3

89) My Breaking bad shirt! 90) How cute is my boyfriend's parent's pub? 91) A cat named Squirrel. I want one. 92) Finally got to visit the Dunkin' Donuts store in Cambridge! 

93) My boyfriend told me to post this as my "Happy Day", to tell everyone that he made this burger from scratch, and it was "the best burger you've ever had in your life". 94) I got over-excited at the amount of candles my mum owns. 95) I was missing these lovely ladies! 96) Revision involves colourful post-it arrows and Harry Potter. Seriously, I love my degree. 

97) BBQ! 98) It's completely necessary to take a selfie after a haircut! 99) And another one before a night out! 100) And finally, my last Happy Day! Being back in Canterbury with my lovely double bed! 

Hope you guys enjoyed this post! Feel free to check out my Instagram, I feel way more motivated to post more frequently after this! I may even be tempted to do a little Instagram round-up each month! Until next time, m'lovelies! 

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