Wednesday, 1 January 2014

New Year, New Beginnings

Happy New Year, and welcome to the first post of the 2014 Blogger Challenge! For the first challenge, the topic we have been given to discuss is New Years Inspiration. Now, I'm not the kind of person to believe in the whole "New Year, New Me" thing. Instead, I believe in new beginnings, making new memories with the people you love.

"The beginning is always today" is one of my favourite quotes. The way I see this, is that no matter what happened in the past, if you've had a particularly bad day, or something's happened to you that made you miserable, brush yourself up and don't dwell on it, for tomorrow is a brand new day. 

I've had times in the past where I've been miserable, and let things get to the point where I sit at home on my own for days on end, not wanting to go out and do anything because of my mood. But I look back at that now and think why? Why would I willingly prevent myself from being happy just because I've had a bad experience? What's the use on dwelling on things beyond your control?

If anybody reading this is having a tough time, I'm truly sorry. But don't let that stop you from living your life. Take a day to yourself, but once you wake up the next morning, treat it like a completely new day. Get up, go out, have fun! Because a new day sparks new beginnings. 

P.S. Here's the link to Gaby's blog, explaining the 2014 Blogger Challenge, with a list of all the other girls involved!


  1. Really enjoying the quote! I'm learning to see a new day as new beginning instead of always thinking the next day is just dragging on from another horrible yesterday.

    1. Thank you so much! This is something i wish I followed when I was going through a tough time a few months ago. It's so much more productive than following the misery from the day before! x

  2. That is indeed a great quote! Past isn't here to haunt us, but to teach us.
    Andreea |

  3. Love this!! I am still trying to find the visual for my goals this year...

  4. That's a really good quote for any day, not just new year! I'm glad to see you're taking part in the blogger challenge. I found my quote the other day for my post which should be up this weekend :)

    Debi x
