I’m a firm believer that everybody deserves a second chance.
Some people may disagree with that. In fact, I know a lot of people disagree.
But the way I see it, is everybody makes mistakes. If they can correct those
mistakes and prove themselves worthy, why not give them another chance? If
they’ve learnt their lesson, surely you can forgive them?
I personally don’t see what the big issue is. Why people
make it out to be so much different to give a guy (or girl) a second chance, in
comparison to a friend. For example, if I had an argument with a friend, or
they did something that upset me, everyone would tell me to forgive them and to
give them another chance to prove that they’re a good friend. But when it’s,
oh, I don’t know, an ex boyfriend… the matter changes completely.
Sure, there are exceptions. For example, if a guy cheated on
me, I’d like to say I’d have the courage and willpower to not take him back.
But then again, I can’t really comment on that issue, as it’s never actually
happened to me. Although saying that, a friend of mine was put in a milder form
of this situation, forgave him, and they’re one of the happiest couples I know.
Everybody’s different.
For me, second chances are a way for people to prove that
they still deserve a place in your life. I completely believe that they can
work, and can make couples and friendships even stronger than before. With
second chances, it allows both parties to correct anything that was wrong with
the relationship in the first place, giving the opportunity for a better one to
work out.
Second chances aren’t always a bad thing. It’s third, fourth
and fifth chances that I have no interest in. If you can’t correct your
mistakes after the second chance, you sure as hell don’t deserve anymore.
Have any of you been in a situation where you’ve given
someone a second chance? Did it work? Or if you haven’t, do you agree with