Monday, 9 December 2013

A Blogger's Battle

I haven't posted on here in over a month... There hasn't been anything in particular stopping me from writing. My uni deadlines have only just started approaching, and I haven't been inundated with work to do. I haven't been going out as much as I used to, so it's not like I haven't had the time to blog. In fact, many a day I find myself just sat in bed on my laptop, watching countless episodes of How I Met Your Mother until I get hungry and have to leave my sanctuary for food... Only to return 10 minutes later to repeat the cycle.

The truth is, I just haven't felt like writing much. I could write about the dramas within my friendship group over the last few months, but I've never felt like that's something I've wanted to share with the internet. Or I could write about the ongoing confusion I feel towards the male species (you all know I love a good man rant), but even that hasn't made me want to write. I've just found myself in a bit of a dead-end the last few months, and I'm not one to force myself to write if I don't feel up to it.

So when I saw Debi's post explaining that she would be taking part in the 2014 Blogger Challenge , I knew I wanted to take part. I joined one of the 396 girls that were added to Gaby's mailing list. Twice a month, we will receive an email with a topic that we should write about. Now I have absolutely NO idea what these topics could be, but I'm looking forward to finally having a bit of inspiration, and something to give me a step up to getting back into this blog. I really have missed this!

1 comment:

  1. I'm also getting involved! Want to mutual follow on GFC? :)
    Jess from
