Saturday, 28 December 2013

Goodbye, 2013!

2013's been a bit of an up and down year for me, and after the amazing year I had in 2012, I'd be lying if I said this year was better. However, I thought I'd bite the bullet and share my 2013 story before the new year kicks in! Here's to a (hopefully) better year for everyone!


January marked the end of my 2 and a half year relationship, but was also the start of my second term at university (by far my favourite term there). It marked the start of many film nights with my friends, and plenty of girly nights out with a bunch of lovely ladies!


February was a good month as far as I can remember. It sparked the beginning of my relationship with one of my best friends at uni, and included failing myself at pancake day, date nights, nights out with my future (now current) housemates, breaking my camera, and a campus-wide power cut!

March was when me and the boy went official, I went home for Mother's Day, plenty more drunk nights out, one of my oldest friends visited me, and included my first real drunken experience (I'm talking not being able to walk properly, lying in a path for 10 minutes, throwing up on my boyfriend's floor, and of course, not being able to remember a thing!). 


April marked the end of the second term, where I was able to go home for an entire month, where I found a very questionable sign in the street, went on some much needed nights out with friends from home, and visited the boyfriend in Cambridgeshire. 

May & June

Not a whole lot happened in these two months. The final term as a fresher began and ended, with a whole load of exams and relationship stress along with it, and my uni's Summer Ball. Though once exams finished, we made a trip to the beach as a little celebration. However, if you've been a reader of mine for a while, you'll know that shortly after term ended, so did my relationship, yay! 

July & August

These two months are a bit of a blur. If I'm honest, my summer kind of sucked. I spent a lot of time moping around (which I don't recommend in the slightest!), visited my dad in Bolton for a week with my brother, and went out a couple of times with my friends. To be honest, I was just counting down the days til I could go back to uni!


This was the month I finally got to go back to uni! I moved into my new house with some lovely girls, went on many nights out, and maybe, possibly, rekindled a little something... 

October & November

Halloween (I was Catwoman!), Anything But Clothes night, cocktails, nights out and Paris (blog post to follow soon!) 


This final month marks the end of the year. My 20th birthday, completing any end of term assignments, spending time with my friends, going back home, and Christmas!

I hope you all enjoyed this little insight into my year! I'm pretty nosy myself, so these are exactly the types of post that I like to read! Anyway, I wish you all the best for 2014, and let's make it the best yet!

Tuesday, 17 December 2013


Yesterday was my birthday. My 20th birthday. I can longer be classified as a teenager anymore, and to be perfectly honest, that scares me a lot!

It's never really occurred to me how much is going to change over the next few years, now that I've finally hit my twenties. I mean for a start, instead of spending my birthday at home, relaxing with friends and family, I spent the entire day writing essays. A joyous occasion, right?

I signed the contract last week for next year's house for uni, and not only had to pay the £150 admin fee, but in January, I'll have to pay a £400 deposit, too. Because a house of three girls are going to destroy the place, of course! I also had to endure a £104 phone bill, because I stupidly forgot to check whether I'd run over my call allowances. Money has never been a real issue for me until now. I'm not rich or anything, far from it, but I've always been extremely careful with my money and always budgeted perfectly. But it's like this term, everything's got the better of me, and I'm now a painstakingly £500 into my overdraft. Life sucks.

I'm hoping that this year will treat me well though. I'm hoping for a drastic change of luck, and that I'll manage to go back to being a total gem with my money! I blame Christmas, if I'm perfectly honest!


P.S. If you missed my last post, I'm a part of the 2014 Blogger Challenge, something I'm really looking forward to! You can expect the first post in the New Year!

Monday, 9 December 2013

A Blogger's Battle

I haven't posted on here in over a month... There hasn't been anything in particular stopping me from writing. My uni deadlines have only just started approaching, and I haven't been inundated with work to do. I haven't been going out as much as I used to, so it's not like I haven't had the time to blog. In fact, many a day I find myself just sat in bed on my laptop, watching countless episodes of How I Met Your Mother until I get hungry and have to leave my sanctuary for food... Only to return 10 minutes later to repeat the cycle.

The truth is, I just haven't felt like writing much. I could write about the dramas within my friendship group over the last few months, but I've never felt like that's something I've wanted to share with the internet. Or I could write about the ongoing confusion I feel towards the male species (you all know I love a good man rant), but even that hasn't made me want to write. I've just found myself in a bit of a dead-end the last few months, and I'm not one to force myself to write if I don't feel up to it.

So when I saw Debi's post explaining that she would be taking part in the 2014 Blogger Challenge , I knew I wanted to take part. I joined one of the 396 girls that were added to Gaby's mailing list. Twice a month, we will receive an email with a topic that we should write about. Now I have absolutely NO idea what these topics could be, but I'm looking forward to finally having a bit of inspiration, and something to give me a step up to getting back into this blog. I really have missed this!