Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Internet Addiction

3 days without internet… Seems do-able, right? Oh, you’re so wrong! It’s only now that I realise our generation have a problem. We’ve been growing up as the internet has grown, and I’ve been using the internet daily since I was about 13.

I’ve spent the entire summer stuck at home due to money issues and lack of friends, blah blah blah, but I’ve spent pretty much the entirety of each day on the internet. Countless hours refreshing my Facebook & Twitter feeds, repining emotional quotes on Pinterest, watching a gazillion YouTube videos, reading some of my favourite blogs, watching a shit-ton of films and TV shows on Netflix, or even googling random questions to enhance my oh-so-interesting life. “How to work an electric cooker” for example… The exact same as a gas one, if you’re wondering!

I recently moved into my new house for uni, and had to deal with 3 days before BT installed my wifi. For most sane people, 3 days is nothing at all. For me, it was like torture! I had to try and find things to do involving no internet access whatsoever, which for me, was a task and a half! I even left the house! *pause for dramatic effect*

On the upside, I found myself doing a bunch of DIY projects for my new room, which made it feel so much more homely (post to follow soon).

I’d love to know if any of you are the same. Do you think you’re addicted to the internet? I think the way to know for sure, is this: when your internet gets activated at 11:52pm, the first thing you do is switch on Netflix for the new Breaking Bad episode you missed. Just me…?


  1. to think I did 31 days with no internet when I moved into my student house ;) x

    1. And for that, I can only salute you! You're more man than I am! ;) x
