Sunday, 25 October 2015

Blogging Break

As some of you may have realised, I've been very absent from the blogging world for, probably about 2 months now. I had my holiday with Mr. T, and as soon as I got back, I started my new adventure as a PGCE student. 

My PGCE course, for those of you who don't know, is a year-long course, where I will end up as an NQT (Newly Qualified Teacher) by July! In less than a year, I'll be a qualified Primary teacher and have my own class... It's terrifying! But when you think about it, a year isn't really long at all. And there's a LOT of learning to be doing in that year. A lot. I'm absolutely loving it, but it's stressful, it really is. So blogging inevitably took a backseat. If you're at all interested, I have a blog for my PGCE year as a reflection of the year kinda thing. You can read that HERE.

I'd like to say that my break has been entirely because of the lack of time I've had to do anything for myself, let alone blog, but it's not really. Obviously that's a big part of it, but it's not the only reason. 

With my chosen career path, I need to be very careful of what I put online. I decided to private everything, and make sure that my last name isn't online. Alongside this, I decided to remove all of the images from my Google+ page. In doing this, I had no idea that that would remove those images from every google platform, including Blogger... So every image that I'd uploaded onto my blog in the last 2 and a half years had gone. Completely removed, leaving nothing but a white space.

I love this blog so much. It's seen me through so much, and it's been my way of saving memories. To have those pictures wiped clean was heartbreaking. 

The only way I can recover the photos is by doing it manually, post by post, re-uploading them from iPhoto. Not all of them can be recovered, but a lot can. But this takes time. And I don't have a lot of it right now. 

Hopefully I'll be able to get back into the swing of things soon. I had some really good posts planned, including an outfit post for my holiday. 

I hope you all understand!